Today in the garden

huge bag of spinach and leaf lettuce. The spinach has started to bolt so it looks like we’re done with all of our harvesting. We got LOTS of good spinach off of our plants. We were very impressed with our beautiful (and super delicious) spinach. Lettuce hasn’t bolted yet so I’m hoping to get 1 more harvest in. Fingers crossed, it’s getting pretty hot here in the Heartland. Now what should I plant in place of my spinach? Any good ideas?

Our first sign of tomatoes! My first Early Girl tomato. Isn’t she beautiful?!?!?!?

Also my first yellow squash. There are 2 of them on this one plant. They look equally beautiful and miraculous.

My cilantro bolted too. Now what? I hear you can somehow use the seeds to replant but I’m not sure it’s worth it. Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?

And my onions. Still looking bold and beautiful.

The garden has been surprisingly successful for our first shot. We had A LOT of radishes that were huge and tasty (even for someone like myself who doesn’t like them). We ended up giving most of them away just because no one in our family loves them. Probably won’t do those again.

Our “carrots” were actually radishes. The seeds were somehow mixed up (which I read happens) so that was kind of a let down.

Other than that it’s been fun! Not too much weeding is needing to be done. We have a lot of little super tiny weeds that you can kind of see in my cilantro picture. That’s about the only weed we’re dealing with and they’re so tiny it’s hard to pull all of them from their roots.

I’m trying to write down stuff I want to remember for next year but more than likely it’ll just be easier to document on the blog so get excited for more of that! 🙂

3 thoughts on “Today in the garden

  1. Oh I am so jealous. Just wonderful. Some day I will perhaps have a couple raised beds and nourish our own food but for now I am just lucky to get the whirly birds out of the flower beds. And of course, a happy birthday one day early to you dear one. Truly a blessing in my life. Love to you.

  2. Wow, how in the world is your garden growing so amazing so early when you live so far north? Jealous, very jealous around here. We (and by we, I mean 95% my daughter) stated our first garden this year. But you are way ahead of us.Hope it's very fruitful! How else we gonna feed all these littles?

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