
That’s how much you all have donated so far to Water for Christmas. That’s awesome.

I admit, when I first heard the tally I was a bit disappointed. I went to bed last night dreaming of a well being built already. But its not my timing, none of this is my timing or my desires. This is definitely God-inspired and it’s so exciting to watch.

$3200 is a big deal, in just over a week $3200 is a really big deal. If you all are anything like me, you’re probably researching charity: water, praying and looking at your finances. Then you’ll donate. I trust you’ll do it when you’re convinced this needs to be done. Studies show the amount donated increases the longer people wait to make their donation. So I’ll run with that.

Had the pleasure of taping the Central High School students who recently danced for water. I love that idea…high schoolers taking literal and metaphorical action. You should’ve seen how excited they all were about water. It might not translate into big donations and that’s okay. Because I truly believe those high school students will be huge advocates for the world and those who are hurting as they get older. In 5, 10 years you all might know them by name and perhaps it started because they saw how simple it was to get involved in something like this. That’s pretty powerful in the gospel according to Tesi. If we can raise their generation up to live their life with their eyes wide open and their hearts soft then imagine what they could be capable of!

I’ve had the opportunity to reflect on myself quite a bit in the last couple of days. I’ve realized I really love having a purpose in life besides that of wife, mother, daughter, sister, in-law, aunt, cousin, etc. This water for Christmas campaign will last longer than Christmas for me. It’s stuck, I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop until everyone has the vital stuff I enjoy so much. So just be prepared for that. We’ll push hard for the next few weeks and after that don’t be completely surprised if you all get presents of water from me ALL THE TIME. I doubt I’ll ever be able to go to bed or wake up in the morning without dreaming dreams of water. We’ll see.

Such a relaxed Saturday for the family. Must post pictures soon. Oh, and the Quad City Times article on Water for Christmas was on the front page paper today. You can read it here. The thought of thousands more hearing about Water for Christmas is enough to make me cry…but you all know I do that too easily so that’s not saying much. Enjoy!

I LOVE hearing from you!